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Wally Wednesday – Suited for Good: Free Suits for Men Struggling to Find Work

Utah company steps in to help men who ‘hit rock bottom’ – and get a second chance on life.


If clothes make the man or the woman, then the elegant store on South Temple is making a lot of people feel like they can take on the world — and a new career. Starting Jan. 1, Stringham and his family — which includes brother Brandon, CFO, and dad Bart, chairman — have been giving away a suit for every one they sell. Their philanthropic effort is called “Suited for Good”.   For every suit the store sells, another one is given to someone who is struggling to find a job. The recipients get a suit, a shirt, a tie and shoes, plus a custom fitting.

Stringham told NBC’s Joe Fryer of NBC Nightly News that for a person looking for a job, wearing a nice suit is “a chance to shine and to not be worried about what people think about them. But rather (they can) be able to put their best foot forward and have confidence that who they are is good enough for what they want to do. It’s not about the suit. It’s about the man inside.”

So far this year, the store has given away 41 suits, and 20 more people have booked appointments to get their own.

Read more: -Suited for Good

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