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Workplace Culture Makes All the Difference with Employees in Your Company

Creating a great culture is more than just a passing corporate fad; it is the core of a successful growth strategy that defines success for any organization. If you take care of your people, they will take care of your customers with both business and employees thriving. How so? Develop your people-provide meaningful training programs and also allow your employees to be in charge of their own growth. Give employees a voice. Make sure employees at all levels have the freedom and opportunity to weigh in on how to make the company better. Include everyone and make sure all employees feel comfortable in bringing their true selves to work no matter who they are, who they love, or what they believe. A strong culture is good for business and attracts as well as retains top talent. What does your company culture look like? Reported by S. Beck in View From the Boardroom column of  SIR Sept. issue.

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